Wednesday, February 25, 2015

P.E. by Sophia and Eleanor

This term we have really enjoyed going swimming on Mondays. 

 This term is so exciting for swimming because I am 8, 8, 8, 8, the lucky number eight!!!  That means I can swim alone, swim, swim, alone. I get be a mermaaaaaid. But not in the deep end. I don't like the deep end.

On Wednesdays and Fridays we go for walks, hikes or ride our bikes. I am wearing giant gloves and my red riding hood cape and I am on a hike on a mountain and it is zero degrees.

This is Rocky Point Park, the best place in the world, it has a lot of chemicals in the water, but I am not sick.

They have an awesome bike ramp there too! So cool, best thing in the world.

Sophia had a paper route too every Wed and Friday which is great exercise all around our neighbourhood. If it is really rainy, we will do dancing games or exercise games on our Wii.

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