Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Brownie Badge: Be A Chef by Eleanor

The simple meal I have cooked is spaghetti it is vey yummy. You eat it with tomato sauce and with the tomato sauce, you eat meatballs with it it's tastes amazing with the meat balls, we usually have salad with it too.

I made a list of ingredients for my Mum and I have gone shopping with her at the store. I am planning my birthday breakfast!

I have made stuff from my kids cookbook. Eggs in Frames, and Juicy Orange Rounds and Happle Bagel Sandwiches.

Here I am making Eggs In Frames.

Before you cook, you have to wash your hands because you might spread your germs you have on your hands, you might have picked your nose or spat on them or touched a hedgehog. You wipe kitchen counters and if you have to cut something you cut it on a cutting board or a plate, and when you're all done your food you have put it in the fridge and wrap it in tin foil or store it in a tupperware, or else it will go rotten.

The names of my favourite utensils are spatula, tongs, shish-ka-bob, macaroni spoon (ha ha) garlic presser and beater.

I use the stove for making soup, frying eggs, boiling water, and I use the microwave to heat up things or just a bit warm to make them hot, like milk.

I help make a lot of our meals, I make pizza from scratch every Friday and I design pizzas awesomely and I have to help with clean up every night except Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are already very experienced in the kitchen! Way to go! What is your favourite kind of pizza to make?
    Brown Owl
