Wednesday, May 28, 2014

#bringbackourgirls by Eleanor and Sophia

A couple of weeks ago, some girls in Nigeria were kidnapped from their school by some really mean men, thy are being held somewhere in the jungle, and being forced to be old boring housewives, worst of all, they are Christians but are being forced to memorize Muslim scriptures. They are being forced against their own religion.

So, my Moaike (because they were taken on a Tuesday morning) every Tuesday morning, goes and stands on the Burrard bridge from 7am-9am and we were there because we want to raise attention for these girls and hopefully, not just in Nigeria, but the government in Canada will start to worry about these girls too. - Sophia

This me with a whole bunch of #bringbackourgirls signs all around me, eating apple sauce and holding flowers. It was fun. - Eleanor

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