Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Physical Awesomeness! by Eleanor and Sophia

This is me roller blading to a fish and chips shop. I am going to start roller-blade classes next week (May 26)

We love to go swimming - here we are at the pool. We got swim passes this term and had a lot of fun with our little friend Levi.

We both did ballet this term and the photo below is of us at our dance recital. The photo above is us after ballet.

Climbing trees is awesome!

Whoo hoo! Sports day 2014! Team BLUE!

When ever we can, we go to the playground - and when it rains, we do Just Dance Fit on the Wiii!

I also tried skateboarding this term and got my first ROAD RASH!!!!

And Eleanor and I lo ve to bike and scooter. Here I am dressed up for a game we made up called "war."

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