Wednesday, May 28, 2014

First Nations Fun Stuff by Eleanor and Sophia

We have been studying First Nations stuff this year. We're doing a whole book study called: Canada's Natives Long Ago.

We really liked studying the Natives of the Plateau because we actually went there - see my other blog post called "The Land of the N'kmip". When we finished study the Coast Salish people who live here in this right very place, I (Eleanor) wanted to make a totem pole, but Sophia made a tiny pot with her pottery wheel.

 This is my totem pole and it shows the story of me feeding my old dead cat Picasso goldfish crackers. I thought that when I fed him the crackers I killed him, but after I made the totem pole, my Mum heard me tell that story and she told me he died because he was so old and wrinkly and I didn't really kill him with the crackers. But that was the story of the totem pole I made.

We watched a really good video too you can see it here: and it shows you, cool stuff like, Pacific Coast Natives woven hats, the traditional canoes that they rode in, and traditional totem pole raising. (They also used simple machines to raise them!)

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