Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wildwoodville by Eleanor and Sophia$

This term our Mum signed us up for this thing called Wildwoodville. What we do there is well... you get real stuff and you get to keep it forever with fake money. Where we do it is a house, the basement of a house. It is set-up by CARDBOARD mostly. It s a pretend town, and as you can see here, I am in the cafe. Working in the cafe is my job which I never want to give up.

This is a picture of me at my not-job, which means I do not work here. It is the Wildwoodville news office. Once I did a movie review on the movie "The Croods" and it was put in the newspaper. The Wildwoodville newspaper is just a double sided piece of paper with ink on it that gets made very day and I always buy it so that I don't miss the news. Sometimes it is like, blah, blah, blah, boring, boring boring. But when I wrote the review I got paid $10.

You get your money from the bank every day. On the first day you get a $20 loan, and you have to pay it back after you've made that money. On the second week of Wildwoodville I paid it back, because my friend Elias who was the banker, sent me 2 $10 bills in the mail, so I said, "You send it, you get it back!" and I paid off my loan.  You try and make money from your business, and at the end of the day you split the money from your day with your partner. BUT you have to save $3 for the newspaper.

You can spend your money at the post office (as you can see Sophia there below) or (as you can above) at the movie theatre and on this day Sophia actually wound up working there. My favourite place to spend my money is the gift shop.

I learned about communities that you should never be mean to your customer because then someone might be mean back to you, and treat people how you want to be treated. And we all need each other. You can't have a business all by yourself. By Eleanor.

As you can see in the picture below, I used to work in the bank. When people withdraw money from their account, I would have to subtract to see how much money they had left.  I would also have to add when they would deposit their money to find out what their total was for the next time they wanted to withdraw it.

Now I work at the cinema. What we do here, is if someone wants to reserve a show ahead of time, we sell them the ticket, and they come back later. We get to stay in the show while they watch it (that is one of my favourite parts). Or they can just pay us and watch the show right there and then. Also we have a ticket recycling program, where we give someone a ticket they bring it back and watch a show. But the next time someone buys a ticket, we give them the same ticket.

I feel I got something out of Wildwoodville because now I know how different businesses in my community work. I like this class because whatever you buy it's actually like a real town, where of you get something from the gift shop or toy store you actually get to keep it. If you buy something from the cafe, it's real and you get to eat it. I super like the way it is structured and organized and built.

This Friday is our last day of Wildwoodville and we have a super cool day called Wildwoodville day. We are going to have a parade, and Ms. Terry, (the mayor) is going to set up a karaoke machine and we are going to use the microphone to sing songs, play instruments and give speeches.

I have made up a song and I can't wait to sing it. it is sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques":
Wildwood-ville, Wildwood-ville,
Our tiny town, Our tiny town 
Mayor's name is Terry
Here we're always merry 
Ding dang dong
By Sophia $

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