Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Rememberance Day: A report by Eleanor

All these pictures are in Victoria. It was Remembrance Day. It was at the Navy Memorial. This statue is of a daughter hugging her Daddy when he just got back from the navy. This statue makes me feel very happy. 

 This is a picture of the parade. All the people from the Navy and army and people who fought in wars.

This is a picture of me watching the parade with my Uncle Matt and my Papa. When all the old people who fought in the war go by my Mum makes me clap my hands and shout. I think we do that to make them feel proud.

This is my family. Part of my family.

This memorial is special to us because it has a memorial stone for my Granny's Dad and Mum. It says: "Remembered for his true patriot love, Bert Moloney, RN and his beloved Nell." RN means Royal navy in England. My Great-Grandad fought in World War II.

This picture is me seeing a weird man stone. Sophia tried to rip the newspaper out of his hands. The newspaper says "we won!"

I like this day because I got to eat a lollipop. I learned a lot about my family.

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