Thursday, November 12, 2015

Street Smarts (Girl Guide Badge) by $ophia

This term Eleanor and I started taking the sky train to school.
We decided this would be a great opportunity for me to earn my street wise girl guide badge!
This is us embarking on our first quest on transit.

For my girl guide badge requirements I have to:
  1. draw a map of my route to school
  2. be able to read a street map and give directions
  3. brainstorm the top 10 safety tips every kid should know
  4. design a colouring book for kids about safety
  5. brainstorm ways to increase my own personal safety
  6. create a puppet show for kids about safety.
It's still a work in progress but I'm working on it.
So far I've done numbers 1, 2, & 5. I'm half way through 3 too.

Until next time I'm $ophia Pallister, signing off.


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