I have come to give you many awesome yum-yums of health, awesomeness and learning. So listen carefully!
Now, I shall start. In the past few months I have been working on Brownie Badges. I am having a splendiferous time doing it. I have been working on my "Smile Girl" badge. At brownies what I had to do was make a collage of people smiling, smiling, smiling and smiling M&MS! We also had to talk about good dental habits and healthy things that we could do and we had to make a chart which we had to do for as long as we needed to - well, not until I was 12, but anyway, we needed to do it to show all the things that are good for our body, like washing our hands before eating, bathing every once in a while, or cleaning our bodies and good work habits like do chores around the house, do homework, water plants, eat pancakes, kidding about the pancakes.
I set a goal that I wanted to finish the chart, and it took me about two and half eons/weeks. I needed people to help me sometimes with reaching high places while dusting, or reminding me to wash my hands before I ate, or I needed my family chart to tell me if it was my bath night. It's a good idea to learn these habits so I can be healthier and cleaner and that it can be a habit of yours to do these things every day, to be healthy, strong and keep the doc away... actually you may want the doctor to come to make sure you ARE healthy, so don't keep the doctor away!
Speaking of doctors, I had to interview my dentist and I had to come up with my own questions. I asked her: what are good dental habits, how long should you brush your teeth for, and should you brush your teeth every day and night? She said you should floss your teeth every time you brush and brush your teeth every night and day (q 1&3) and should should brush your teeth for 2 whole minutes and most people only brush their teeth for 15-20 seconds! Isn't that crazy, man?(q2)
The other things I have worked on this term is I have been learning to take the Skytrain with my sister home from school by ourselves. For safety we have an emergency phone which we call our Mum on and we have a list of safe people on our phone. We have 911 and the kids help hotline which is 310-1234. That is the kids help hotline phone number. That number is for kids to call if they are in danger, or if there is something wrong for you or for another kid you know, that's the number you call. And what kids should know is you should always tell a safe grownup because its not their fault they're getting hurt.
We talked about safety tips, like:
- having safe people to talk to at the stations, safe places to stop and ask for help (librarian, Tony a security guard, Mc Donalds if I got sick - a McD's worker, a parent with young ids, cause they know kids stuff)
- not to go anywhere with strangers
- trusting your own gut, like if a person gives an "uh-oh" feeling, get away
- if anybody tries to do something you don't like or grab you, say "NOOOOOO" "stop! I don't like this! I don't know you!!!!"
- never try to make online friends with people and reveal your identity to someone you don't know in online, in public or anywhere
- do not give your identity where you live live or anything about you to people you don't know
- let's say if I'm supposed to meet my Mum at the station, I'm not allowed to go off to the soda fountain with all the money I have, I'm not allowed to go off and stay there forever because that would be wrong - what I'm trying to say is if you make a plan with a safe grownup, stick to the plan and never go off it! Unless they know about it. And if something goes wrong, call the grown-up and let them know.
- do not touch things that you do not know what they are, and do not touch garbage, needles or, condoms (which are dirty penis balloons) or homeless people, or aliens, or poison dart frogs.
I have learned a lot about being healthy and safe, so thanks for listening to this TED talk. peace, man! peace out!
A1 apply a goal‐setting model to a short‐term goal
A2 identify sources of support for children in a variety of situations
B2 demonstrate an understanding of the benefits of developing effective work & health habits
Healthy Living C1 describe practices that contribute to physical and emotional health
C3 describe practices that help to prevent the spread of communicable diseases
Safety and Injury Prevention C6 demonstrate avoidance and assertiveness skills that may be used in abusive or potentially abusive situations
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