Monday, November 17, 2014

Spies and Remembrance Day by $ophia

I've been doing a unit study on spies and the Canadian wartime spy camp,  Camp X. Some of my favourite things I've loved learning about are the codes, ciphers and secret messages.

Also, when it was Remembrance Day we had a Remembrance Day time where we made a family tree of some of the people in our family who served in the wars.

Drawing pictures to remember our Great Uncle Joseph Pallister, who died in Belgium in WWII.

Eleanor represented the Brownies and laid a wreath at the cenotaph.

Our great-grandparents, who served in WWII.

After was had researched our family tree, we were wondering what some of the women's jobs in the war. Later that day when we went to the parade with our Girl Guide and Brownies troops, Eleanor and Mum talked to a lady from the legion, and she reminded my Mum about code breakers. In WWII, some women were secretly hired to be special secret agents to intercept codes from the Germans during second world war. and helped to break the all-awesome Enigma code. The Enigma machine was a machine slightly a typewriter. You wrote down what you wanted to say in english and then it would come out in a complex secret code.The British only managed to crack these codes when they stole a German Enigma machine and were able to use it in reverse to crack the codes.

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