Thursday, February 11, 2016

Universal Outtakes by $ophia

This is me at Science World. I am experimenting with w thermal camera, seeing what happens when I stick my tongue out, or lick my hat etc, etc!

This is my sister, brother and I playing "Ground Control To Major Tom" one of our new favourite games. I am learning about exploring extreme environments, and one extreme environment is SPAAACE.

This me on the tram at the Burnaby Village Museum. It's a great place to learn about early settlement, because it was one of the first settlements in Burnaby. Sitting in the tram reminded me of the Hogwarts Express, and how I have read the first two Harry Potter books this term.

This is Eleanor and I attempting to make maple candy. It didn't turn our very well, but it did taste good. We were inspired by the Little House on The Prairie books, which we are still working our way through.

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