Friday, May 1, 2015

Girl Guide Badge: Reading by Sophia


Here are the types of books I was asked to read:

  1. a book by a Canadian author or about a Canadian woman.
  2. a book of poetry.
  3. a work of fiction, fantasy, or fairy tale.
  4. a book that is a part of a series.
  5. a book in the categories of: travel, adventure, science fiction, biography, natural science or history.
  6. a book of my choice by a different author than I used in 1-5
  7. obtain & use a library card
So here they are:

  1. Dear Canada-A Ribbon of Shining Steel  by Julie Lawson                                                                                          

2. Where The Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein

3. Fairest of All by Sarah Mylnowski

4. A Whole Nother Story by Doctor Cuthbert Soup

5. Another Whole Nother Story by Doctor Cuthbert Soup

6. Minion by John David Anderson

7. Basically all of these books came from the library. P.S. I go to the library about three times a month.


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